Mind Medicine Blog

HOW TO USE YOUR MIND BETTER The human mind is powerful, but it is only a potential power. we need to use this power enough and in a proper way, because the mind has this potential power and as much as we use it, will express in our life. The same power can go towards...
The Power of Consciousness
THE POWER OF CONSCIOUSNESS “I” is your unconditioned consciousness. When you say, “I am that”, then you condition your consciousness or your “I” to what you say after I am. You define yourself with what you say after “I am” and if you keep repeating it with feelings...
This weeks live streams
Want to have a healthier, happier, and calmer mind? How to use your mind and brain to feel happier and calmer? Mental and physical ways to feel happier and calmer? (Interactive, followed by Q & A session) Thursday, July 16, 2020 7pm EST, 4pm PST Saturday July 18,...
The Benefits Of Staying Happy And Calm During The Coronavirus Crisis
THE BENEFITS OF STAYING HAPPY AND CALM DURING THE CORONAVIRUS CRISIS Stay happy in this coronavirus pandemic. Besides our physical health, our mental and emotional health is especially crucial. First of all, we and our family deserve a happy and calm life. Our mental...
By Being Happy And Calm, You Will Be Healthier, Get Less Sick And Heal Faster
BY BEING HAPPY AND CALM, YOU WILL BE HEALTHIER, GET LESS SICK AND HEAL FASTER While the coronavirus pandemic is affecting people’s lives, we need to stay happy and calm. We must take all the necessary precautions, but we must not become panicked. We need our happiness...
A Healthy, High Functioning Brain
Our brain health will affect every part of our lives. If our brain is healthy and functioning well and we use it well, we as humans will have a healthy, happy and successful life. A healthy brain is the requirement for a healthy life. Brain function is the mind. The...
Happiness Is Generated In Your Brain
Each person has a set point for happiness. I have seen happy rich people and happy poor people. I have seen happy disabled people and happy healthy people. I have seen happy people in small villages in Iran and happy people in LA. I can go on and on, but I...
You Are The Director Of Your Life Movie
How can we apply what we know?Being willing is not enough, we must act.Many of us decide to do something, then end up doing something else. We learn something and then we behave as if we never learned it. The reason is that when we learn something, that...
If You Want To Be Happy, Be Grateful
It will give you a feeling of joy when you are thinking about the things you have in your life. It is an inside feeling. You do not have to tell anybody or even say it out loud. Everybody can be happy for different things. You can have your own list. It...
How Powerful is the Human Brain?
Your brain has more power than you can ever use in your entire lifetime. All human creations and inventions are products of the human brain. There is nothing in the entire universe that comes close to the complexity and power of the human brain. If there is no brain, there is no mind or consciousness. The entire human being depends on the human brain.
Mind Medicine
598 Red House Rd
New Hampshire 03043
United States