Mind Medicine Blog

Changing Habits
Forming a new habit is a task. If you do something consistently, it will become a habit. You make new wiring in your brain. You will develop a new neuronal pathway.There are several steps you must take until a new habit forms:The first step is “to start”....
Useless Habits
You may not be responsible for the habits that you already have, but it is your responsibility to change the habits that hurting you, and to form new habits which help you. Habits form unconsciously. When you were growing up, your brain was learning by...
You are your brain
Your brain is the most complex biological and physiological organ there is. It has the greatest computational capacity in the universe. Your brain controls every moment of your life. It controls what you think, say and do. Your brain controls your life...
How to deal with stress and stay calm (Part 3)
Choose your response to stress, (I discussed this 2 weeks ago) Meditation and Mindfulness, (I discussed this last week) This week I explain a few more techniques that can help you stay calmer. Visit Nature. When you are stressed, one of the best things that you can do...
How can We stay Calmer and Happier in a time of Adversity? (Part two)
Last week, I talked about our ability to control our response to stress, (stress response) by using our thoughts and rational mind to control our emotions. This week, I am going to talk about one of the most important practices that we can do to reduce our...
How we can stay calmer and happier in time of adversity?
In everybody’s life, there are times when things are not going right. Sometimes there are multiple issues are going on at same time and we may feel overwhelmed. In my own life, there are times that there are issues regarding my work, finances and my family...
10 Things to Do When You Have an Illness and You are Healing
(Mentally, Emotionally and Physically) Do Whatever You Need to Do to Heal. Start working to heal yourself as soon as you can. Do not wait for others to heal you. Follow your doctor’s suggestions regarding your specific surgical and medical treatment. Find out the Best...
10 Things to Do to Stay Healthy
Think and speak only of what you wish to happen. Imagine that each organ of your body is working perfectly. Happy and hopeful people stay healthier and live longer than unhappy and pessimistic people.
International Day of Happiness
Each year March 20 is celebrated worldwide as the international day of happiness. It was founded by United Nations special advisor Jaymie Illien and was adopted by the United Nations in 2012. The purpose of the international day of happiness is to...
Your Thoughts can Switch on or off your Genes
Your biology does not define your destiny. Your thoughts can not change the genes you were born with, but your thoughts can change your gene expression. The human genome is the complete set of genetic instructions, which contains all the instructions for...
Mind Medicine
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New Hampshire 03043
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