Mind Medicine Blog

How do our thoughts affect our emotional and physical health?
In last week newsletter, I explained how our thoughts affect our body thorough nervous system. This week, I am going to explain how our thoughts affect our body thorough endocrine and immune systems.
How do our thoughts affect our emotional and physical health?
Our thoughts affect our health in several ways. I will explain some of them in this newsletter and some of them next week.
The importance of thoughts has been talked and written about for centuries. It has been discussed in all cultures, religions, philosophy, psychology, neuroscience and medicine.
What Does Positive Thinking Mean?
Positive thinking is expecting good and favorable results in life. When you think positively, you approach life’s challenges with a positive outlook. The human brain can do anything if it thinks it can.
How to change a habit?
Habits are the level of subconscious mind. You may consciously decide to beave differently, but if you have not change at level of subconscious mind, you would behave the same as before.
Your Brain Makes You, You.
The anatomy of the human brain is the same in all people. We have about one hundred billion neurons (nerve cells). Each neuron can be connected to one thousand other neurons, therefore we have up to one hundred trillion connections in the brain.
Why I founded MIND MEDICNE
Since I can remember, it has been my deepest desire to know more about the brain and mind and use this information to help others to heal. My name is Dr. Mahmoud Rashidi. I am a neurosurgeon and a medical doctor.
A Happy Mind Heals
Did you know that your thoughts and feelings affect your body? Thoughts of excitement and hope affect the body in a positive way. Some of the most common health problems like chronic pain, chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia are related to our thoughts and feelings. We...
Healing Sounds & Video
Imagination is the workshop of the mind. The body responds to vivid visualizations. This has been shown in athletes and astronauts. Imagining and visualizing our life dreams with the belief that everything is possible gives us the power to make them reality.
Health and Happiness
What we focus on will expand. And, what we focus on affects our happiness. It is better to focus on what we want and love, not on what we do not want and do no love. This seems very simple, but it can be life changing. The former brings happiness, excitement and hope...
Mind Medicine
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