Our brain health will affect every part of our lives. If our brain is healthy and functioning well and we use it well, we as humans will have a healthy, happy and successful life. A healthy brain is the requirement for a healthy life. Brain function is the mind. The mind or function of the brain will affect the structure and health of our physical brain.

When I am talking about mental and brain health here, I am not talking only about severe cases of mental illness. It could be mild as in cases of chronic stress that affect the brain health and function and we start making mistakes and bad decisions. Mental health problems can happen to everybody, even doctors, psychologists, psychiatrists, religious leaders and good people. The problem is that most of the time we cannot recognize mental illness for a long time. This is because we must recognize it with our own healthy brain. You see, your brain is you. So, you are basically trying to help your brain with your own brain. There is nothing else above your brain that can heal your brain. The only thing you have is your brain function, that is your thoughts, that is your MIND.  We can also use our emotions and behavior to change our brain.

There are different factors that affect the brain’s physical health and its function. (The mind)

What we eat and drink

Getting enough sleep

Brain rest (silence, meditation, Yoga, gardening…)

Time spent in nature



Brain and mental stimulation

Calmness v/s chronic stress and anxiety

Happiness v/s depression

Kindness and love v/s hatred and resentment

Faith v/s fear (positive v/s negative thinking)

Optimism v/s pessimism

What we eat, do and say affects the structure and function of our brain. We must look after of our brain and mind. Not only do we need to have a checkup for physical health regularly, we must also check our brain health and function regularly too. Because the sooner we recognize a problem, the easier it is to fix it and the less effect it will have on our life. Our whole life will be affected by our brain health. Remember you are your brain. The health and function of your brain will affect your health, wealth, relationship, work, finances, family, other people, animals, plants and the whole world.

This is an affirmation for a healthy and strong brain. These statements  are 100% true. Repeat them every time you can remember:

  • I have a healthy brain
  • I have a strong brain
  • I have a powerful brain
  • I have a high functioning brain
  • I have a smart brain
  • My brain can solve any problem

Your brain actually affirms these to itself. When your brain thinks it is smart, it will be smart and act smart.

“Life isn’t about finding yourself, life is about creating yourself.”

George Bernard Shaw

Dr. Rashidi