“I” is your unconditioned consciousness. When you say, “I am that”, then you condition your consciousness or your “I” to what you say after I am. You define yourself with what you say after “I am” and if you keep repeating it with feelings and believe in it, you will behave in consistence with who you believe you are.

You can decide now what you want to be. If you do not like, who you are, you can change it. Where do your old beliefs come from? You can change them now. You are the master of your life unless you give this authority to the masters outside of you. Then you behave according to who they say you are.

Auto suggestion is one of the 13 Napoleon Hill’s success principles. Decide who you want to be and say, “I am that I desire to be”

I am successful                                                            I am wealthy

I am healthy                                                                 I am happy

I am calm                                                                      I am capable

I am lovable                                                                 I am good enough

I am strong                                                                   I am beautiful

I am kind                                                                       I am brave

You do not need anybody’s permission. If you do not believe in the beginning, it is OK. Do not listen to your senses. You are acting in the in mental world. Your inner man or woman saying that. If you persist, it eventually goes to your subconscious mind and you become what you think and said you are.

Remember you are not comparing yourself to others or put your limitations or beliefs on others. Do not forget the golden rule. If you think, imagine, or say something good about others, your subconscious mind will be impressed with that and express in your own life.

 Dr. Rashidi

Reminder:  My live webinar on Thursday July 23, 2020 at 6 pm EST: How to be free from anxiety and manage stress better?