The importance of thoughts has been talked and written about for centuries. It has been discussed in all cultures, religions, philosophy, psychology, neuroscience and medicine.
“A man is literally what he thinks, his character being the complete sum of all his thoughts.” _James Allen

What are thoughts?
Where and how do they form?
What are our thoughts about at each moment?
I am going to answer these questions in this newsletter, and I will write about how our thoughts affect our mental, emotional and physical health/healing in the next few weeks.
What are thoughts?
The act of thinking about something that produces an idea or opinion is called a thought. We have thousands of thoughts a day. As long as we are awake, our thoughts flow one after the other. This is called a “stream of thoughts” and it will stop only when we sleep. This is important for you, because you can choose the thoughts you want and let go of the thoughts you do not want.
Where and how do they form?
Thoughts are formed in our brain. When we have a thought, electrical signals travel back and forth between the neurons (nerve cells) in the neuronal network related to that thought. Basically, the neurons talk to each other. Understanding this helps you see that having a healthy brain is important in your thought process. A healthy brain needs proper food, enough sleep, physical activity, mental stimulation and socializing.
What are our thoughts about at each moment?
A thought in our brain depends on where our attention goes at each moment. Our thoughts change constantly to demands from the outside world when we receive input through our senses and inside the world of our memories. This is important because you can control your thoughts by choosing what you focus on.